Money…Organization…Time Management…

Monday thoughts:

The more I learn about money, the more I learn about organizing my home and managing my time.  We have a limit in our available income, in the space where we live our lives, and in our time.  We must learn to live within those boundaries.  Yes, the amount of money we have to manage and the surroundings in which we live may expand but our time is always a finite number of minutes in each day.  The reality is, even though we can make more money or get a bigger home, boundaries are good for us…they are healthy…and the best part, they challenge us. They encourage us to be creative with what we have to work with.

Tuesday thoughts:

A few years back we determined to “owe no man anything”.  That determination was a life changing moment.  It took time and great effort to realize that goal but the first change came in making the decision.  That was the most exciting part.  It turned everything around.  There is a saying, “When the student is ready the teacher will appear.”  Amazingly, that is exactly what happened.  An opportunity for Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace immediately was put in our path.  We had his DVDs at home but had never made the decision to get serious about wiping out debt. The decision, matched up with a video teacher and with a group of friends we met with who endeavored to make the same change in their lives, were the keys to motivating us to live differently so that we could later live more of the life we desired.

Wednesday thoughts:

That desire for change has motivated me in our home as well.  I have wanted for so long to see it be an organized place to share our life.  Again, it has been another journey of “slow and steady wins the race” but all good things take time.  Just like overspending and mismanagement of funds, overcrowding one’s home (a.k.a. clutter) and things being in disarray steal the joy out of life.  I have made great strides and learned to set boundaries in this area as well.

There is a cost to everything that comes into our home beyond its price-tag at the store. It will take up space, need routine dusting or cleaning, and its presence will either make me feel happiness or regret. My home looks like one of order at last and is much easier to manage.  I now am in the stage of digging deeper – going through the closets, cabinets, and drawers as I move through each month focusing on a different area of my home.  This is truly the vision I had in mind. I just needed the decision made to say “no more” and the determination to get there.

Thursday thoughts:

Our time is like our money, if we don’t name it, tell it where go…go is exactly what it will do.   It will quickly sift through our fingers.  I definitely find it easier to manage the money put before me than the time.  At present, time seems elusive.  I just cannot get my mind wrapped around how to order my days.  But money was like that too, at one time.  I had ideas of what to do just couldn’t seem to get there.  I think the key again remains in the decision.  I must ask myself, “Do I really want change?”.  If I am honest, I can say “no”.  I don’t want change, I just want the results.

A-ha…isn’t that an age old problem? We want results but do we want to put forth the effort to get there.  My days are good, they could be better.  I could set the alarm, I could keep a schedule, I could…… So, it is time to ponder on “how bad do I want it?”  Am I content brushing aside that nagging feeling that while things aren’t bad, they could be better?  Am I ready to make a decision, dig my heels in, and do something different?  Thoughts to ponder, indeed.

Friday thoughts:

Decisions and boundaries…both can serve us well.  There are so many aspects of our lives to manage.  We can do more than we think we are capable of.  When we reach the place when the desire to change outweighs the situation at hand, decision time arrives.  Once we decide to do something different, the battle is half won.  From then on it is just a matter of gaining wisdom and understanding from others who have traveled the same road successfully then applying their processes.  That, coupled with setting boundaries distinctive to ourselves, are a prescription for creating the change we desire.

After yesterday’s post, I determined it was time to revamp how I allot the minutes of my days.  In search of help, I have since questioned my friends and asked members of my homeschool group (whose days are most similar to mine) how they manage their days.  I look forward to pondering their responses. Another journey of change has begun…better days are in the making!